Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Lord in the Gentle Breeze

WORD 2day: Friday, 10th week in Ordinary time

June 10, 2022: 1 Kings 19: 9a, 11-16; Matthew 5: 27- 32

The storm went thundering, the fire went blazing, but the Lord wasn't there! The Lord of surprises manifests himself in the gentle breeze and gives us the most powerful of all messages: "Be still and know that I am God" (Ps 46:10). 

Knowing God, experiencing God and manifesting God is not a matter of accomplishment, but a sense of simple acknowledgement. It is above all a simple, ordinary, daily life, lived in its eventlessness and monotony. It is easier to go by feasts and solemnities, special events and exciting happenings, but what matters is the silent, everyday life that can be at times boring and discouraging!

On the other hand, this fact is a reminder that our daily life has to be a life of simple commitment to the Lord in all its sense. The tasks we undertake, the relationships we enter into, the commitments we accept on ourselves, the daily duties we perform, the normal cares on our shoulders and our minds (personal, familial and communitarian at times): these are all ways to our sanctity, provided they are done with a purity of intention that befits the Lord who has called us to all these commitments. 

Moving far away from the craze for popularity and excitement even among the so-called Religious Ministers (or especially among them), what the Lord wants from us is a gentle, silent and recollected way of Christian commitment wherever we are, because the Lord is the Lord in the gentle breeze. Yes, this Lord in the gentle breeze invites us to personal integrity, simplicity of commitment and purity of intention... are we ready? 

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