Wednesday, June 29, 2022

To be or not to be... a prophet.

WORD 2day: Thursday, 13th week in Ordinary time

June 30, 2022: Amos 7: 10-17; Matthew 9: 1-8 

To be or not to be, that is the question, that is the essential problem of every being, specially eveyr human being who wants to makes sense of one's being. For a Christian, for a person of God, for someone who knows and realises his or her special call, this is a fundamental challenge to face. To be or not to be a Christian, to be or not to be a child of God, to be or not to be a prophet. 

Today we see Amos being threatened and asked to quit his mission of speaking the Word. He is asked to go elsewhere and not to bother those to whom he was speaking.  Amos is relentless, inspite of knowing the danger that is imminent - that he will be killed. 

Jesus on the other hand in the Gospel is called a blasphemer, an anti-Jew, a sinner! But he knew his identity and had no need to defend himself or prove himself to them. Jesus knew he had to do what he was doing because he was not doing them by himself, but for the One and according to the will of the One  who had called him and sent him! 

The call to us is simple: Be! Be a prophet wherever you are and whatever be the situation. Be a child of God, come what may! That is your identity and your call! 


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