Friday, June 17, 2022

To whom is my allegiance?

WORD 2day: Saturday, 11th week in Ordinary time

June 18, 2022: 2 Chronicles 24: 17-25; Matthew 6: 24-34

Infidelity, compromises, transgressions, forsaking and tryst with the unholy...these were characteristic traits of the so-called 'chosen people', the people with whom the Lord made the covenant: I will be your God and you shall be my people. However unfaithful and treacherous they got, the Lord remained ever faithful and true to the covenant that was made. Coming across passages such as we find in today's first reading, we are prone to judge the people of Israel, but let us wait, take a minute and look at our own life!

Looking at our own life, the Lord has chosen us before the foundations of the world (Eph 1:4) and has made a covenant with us right at our baptism: you shall be my child and I shall be your God. And ever since, how many compromises and transgressions, how many moments of failures and negligences... the Lord however has always been faithful (cf.2 Tim 2:13). Yes, the story is the same even with us.

The goodness of God remains for eternity... the Lord continues to love us and be faithful to us; we continue to live our life as best as we wish, caring nothing about the call we have to belong to God always and in everything. In the light of today's readings let us raise a fundamental question to ourselves: to whom is my allegiance in my daily concrete living? And how absolute is that allegiance? Integrity demands that each of us be our own judge, analysing each and every little choice that we make and the priorities we act on! That will give us an idea of our level of fidelity to the One who has called us.

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