Monday, July 4, 2022

Being Compassionate come what may!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 14th week in Ordinary time

July 5, 2022: Hosea 8: 4-7, 11-13; Matthew 9: 32-38 

The readings today present to us two contrasting realities: the obstinate sinfulness of the people and the absolute compassion of the Lord. In the first reading, Hosea points out how despicable the people were getting. The dwindling faith, the blatant compromises, deliberate choices for what is ungodly, absolutisation of human autonomy, justification of a lawless economy - these are experiences that the society is grappling with also today!

Is there a way out of these? Surely no, as long as the idolising tendency of the human person does not disappear. Today we make idols out of money, possessions, our own ego, power and position, status and social image. How many values, persons and principles we sacrifice in the bargain! As if that is not enough, the society is ever ready to demonise those who stand for justice and truth, those who speak up for God, those who stand for God's people. The so-called mainstream society ostracises those persons as anti-socials, conservatives and anti-progress individuals.

Jesus presents himself to us as a motivating role model, inspiring us to stand for God and for the values of the Reign, inspite of the world that threatens us. Jesus is absolutely compassionate even when he finds that the people were not ready to understand him totally, some of them infact were calumniating against him. It was so because it was Jesus' passion to make people feel the compassion of God. God has been compassionate with us even when most of the times we were not worthy of it and therefore the question is: can we be still compassionate, though we find those around not really worthy of it!

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