Friday, September 23, 2022

Live, love and experience God

WORD 2day: Saturday, 25th week in Ordinary time

September 24, 2022: Ecclesiastes 11:9 -12: 8; Luke 9: 43b-45

Life is short and life is limited, but it offers ample opportunity to do things that are remarkable. It never forces anyone, leaving far behind every one who complains of boredom and monotony. For a Christian, life cannot be boring because he or she has a life task to accomplish and daily directions to carry out, from the Lord. That is why St. Paul would write saying, "do not grow weary of doing what is right" (2 Thess 3:13). 

Doing right... it might in all probability invite criticism, jealousy, opposition, persecution and even crucifixion! But what matters is to do the will of God, and do it willingly. What example more impressive than our Blessed Mother (today is Saturday and the 24th of the Month), who did everything in life, for the holy will of God and for the "yes" that she dared to give to the call from the Lord. 

Life is short and life is limited; let's live it to the full, let us do all the good that we can to every one around. Let us not waste our life in envying, calumniating, gossiping, judging and spreading hate! 

Let us live to the full, love each other and experience God close to us, beside us and within us!

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