Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Seeking Christ is a vanity too!

WORD 2day: Thursday, 25th week in Ordinary time

September 22, 2022: Ecclesiates 1:2-11; Luke 9:7-9

Vanity of vanities, everything is vanity... says the first reading today. There is nothing new under the sun, what are we toiling for? What are we seeking and searching and anxious for? That is the wise question that the philosopher raises in the Word today. It is important to take note of this question - routine, monotony and boredom are not reality that are external... they are attitudes and dispositions that are internal. How we look at things, how they matter to us, how they affect us and how we relate to them - that makes all the change that is possible. 

Seeking Christ... today Herod seeks to see Christ. All of us have this wish; we seek and experience Christ. But is that a vanity too? Yes, that will turn out to be another vanity, vanity of all vanities, if we do not seek for an internal change, for a transformation of the heart. If we seek, see, pray and claim to experience Christ, but there is no change in our inner disposition and attitude to life and to others, then that seeking would indeed be a vanity too!

Vanity of Vanities... everything is a vanity, if we do not allow ourselves to be touched, transformed and continuously made anew in Christ!

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