Sunday, November 20, 2022

Chosen, marked and... Given?


November 21, 2022: Presentation of Our Blessed Mother 
Revelation 14: 1-3,4b-5; Luke 21:1-4

We are chosen and marked with the names of Our Lord and His Father, the mark that we received at Baptism and renew at every sacrament we receive, in and through the Spirit! We are chosen, in the name of the Lord to bear the name of the Father, to be dwelling places of the Spirit of God. We are marked to represent the Lord here amidst other people and bring to fulfillment the plan that the Father has for the entire universe! 

We are chosen by the Father and marked by the Lord...What should our response be?

Our Blessed Mother answers that question perfectly: our response should undoubtedly be, a total self giving! 

Whatever little we have, whoever little that we are, we are called to give that totally into the hands of the God and we will see miracles happen. As long as I keep something of me in reserve, I prevent the free flow of grace. When I give myself without reserve and when I offer myself totally...wonders begin to happen, God's plan begins to unfurl, love begins to flow and mercy finds no bounds!

This is the meaning of the memory we celebrated today, where the total self giving of Mary as a beloved daughter of God is prefigured in her presentation at the temple! This is an apocryphal tradition that we celebrate, ofcourse it has no mention in the canonical scriptures of the Church - but it is certain to have happened, just as it would have happened for any jewish child of jewish family. But the way Mary lived out that presentation in her life, in her total self giving to the Lord, in her unreserved submission to the holy Will of God - that is what we celebrate in reality!

There is no doubt, I am chosen, I am marked...but the crucial question is, have I truly given myself to the Lord? And how much of myself have I given?

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