Monday, November 14, 2022

Letting Jesus enter our homes!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 33rd week in Ordinary time

Novembre 15, 2022: Revelation 3: 1-6, 14-22; Luke 19: 1-10

To welcome Jesus into our homes: that is the task given to us by the Word today. Obviously when Jesus comes its a blessing - 'today salvation has come into this house' (Lk 19:9). But it is more than being a mere blessing; it is a Challenge - 'because you are neither cold nor hot, i will spit you' (cf. Rev 3:16), says the Lord. Once the Lord comes, things can no more remain the same! You cannot remain both dead and alive at the same time; or hot and cold at the same time; or belonging and not belonging to the Lord at the same time! You have to make a radical choice and that could be a real challenge.

Secondly, you cannot even say, 'let me wait, there will come a time when I would be required to make a choice and then, I shall take it seriously!' No... the Lord says, Look, behold, here I am... I am standing at your door and knocking. If you hear, and you open the door, I shall enter and come to you! The choice, the challenge, the call is imminent. We cannot be postponing it to another opportune moment! The call is here and now! I have to make a choice and choices are everything! 

Like Zachaeus who receieved the call, heard the knocking and opened the door of his home, changed his life for ever. He not only changed from his old ways but made up even for the mistakes, for his wrong doings and every thing that made others' lives less happy! We are indeed called to make some drastic choices... to change our ways, to realise our follies and make up for them, reaching out to the other and being extra loving to people around! 

The choice is ours - to keep to our old ways or to let Jesus enter our homes. The home that he enters, the heart that lets him in, is blessed, is transformed and is marked by salvation! But at the same time, they are radically different from the rest, and from their own past. That can be a challenge...are we ready to let Jesus enter our homes, the homes of our heart? 

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