Sunday, November 6, 2022

Towards a Living Faith

WORD 2day: Monday, 32nd week in Ordinary time

November 7, 2022: Titus 1:1-9; Luke 17:1-6

Jesus throws challenge after challenge at his followers: to correct one's brother or sister who is erring, to readily forgive brothers and sisters, not to cause a brother or sister to sin or to falter... the challenges seem so demanding but just one prayer that the disciples make sums up all that it takes to face these challenges and live up to them. The prayer: "Lord, Increase our faith" (Lk 17:5).

What an insight the disciples seem to have had! Faith, is the answer to all these, because faith is not merely some capacity that we possess, but a relationship to which we commit. It is a personal relationship with God, a total personal response to a God who reveals Godself in unconditional love and absolute concern. It is a relationship that can, and that should, colour the entire spectrum of our personal and community lives.

Faith is a way of life in which we continuously grow, being mindful of the danger anytime retract into ways that are not worthy of the One who has created us, the One who has called us and the One who has commissioned us! It is a response of life, and a life of response, to the One who constantly stands at the door of our heart and knocks, calling and commissioning us to love and fellowship, not just with God but with every brother and sister given to us by God. This is called a living faith. Faith, if really living, will find a solution to many a problem in today's life, because it is fundamentally a God-inspired way of life. There can be no impasses when there is real faith; for real faith is love, it is life. Let us make it our earnest prayer today: Lord Jesus, increase my faith. Amen.

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