Sunday, December 11, 2022

Relying on the Real King

The WORD in ADVENT - Third Monday

December 12, 2022: Numbers 24:2-7,15-17; Matthew 21: 23-27

Balaam asserts, affirms and reaffirms on whose authority he speaks; the Jewish leaders and priests ask Jesus on whose authority Jesus does all that he does. Both Balaam and Jesus, we see in the Word today, were fearless, and so was John the Baptist, who is referred to! 

Balaam was faced with a furious whole race, John the Baptist with a hard hearted set of people who felt in many ways self-sufficient and Jesus, with a powerful top brass of the society. The first two made it clear to themselves and to those around, that they relied not on their personal power, or eloquence, or skill, or talent but on the Lord whom they announced! Jesus made his identity and authority clear through his life and commitment to his Father, in every minute detail of his words and actions. 

Today when the very institutions like the governments and public services, which have to safeguard the common good, start working against equality, justice and human dignity, what do you do! Stand up, speak up and usher in the Reign! No authority can stop us! And we need to please no authority, except One. 

The key message today is this: that an authority that will never be questioned is the Lord who reigns over all. Submitting myself to that Reign and inspiring others to submit to the Reign, is the way we are called to establish the Reign of God, here and now. The Reign of God, is not a Reign that expands by conquest and battles, but by commitment and conviction, by submission and surrender, by a personal choice to rely absolutely on the real King, the Lord of the Reign!

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