Thursday, December 1, 2022

To See - an act of faith!

The WORD in ADVENT - First Friday

December 2, 2022: Isaiah 29:17-24; Matthew 9: 27-31

'To see' is a spiritual quality. The readings, both first and the gospel, bear this imagery today. The first reading speaks of the blind who will begin to see and the lowly who will begin to find joy in the Lord. The Gospel recounts one of those encounters where Christ gives sight to two blind persons, with an insightful conversation that accompanies. 

Infact, 'to see' was one of the signs indicated for the day of the Lord, or the coming of the Lord... We see that when the Baptist asked if Jesus was the Christ to come, Jesus responds saying, 'the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear and the dead are raised' (Lk 7:20,22) - as a sign of the Lord's coming! We see Jesus citing that as a sign, in his manifesto in the Gospel of Luke (ch.4). 

In the Reign of God, all shall possess the spiritual capacity to see; we shall all see, because we will have the light of the Lord, as the responsorial psalm tells us! The Light coming amidst us, enlightens our vision! We get to see our own selves, we get to see the other, we get to see the truth, as we should. And that will change our lives, provided we are ready to see. Added to that, this will enable is to see the Lord!

Yes, we shall certainly see the Lord face to face, but today, in our daily life, we are challenged to see, to look, to perceive and to find the joy of the Lord in the midst of our routine... Can we really see? If we believe, we will. Can we decide to see? If we take our faith seriously, we will. 

Let us grow everyday in our faith, and thus grow in our capability to see the Lord, our light and our salvation.

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