Monday, January 9, 2023

Being subject to God

WORD 2day: Tuesday, Week 1 in Ordinary time

January 10, 2023: Hebrew 2: 5-12; Mark 1: 21-28

Everything is subject to God, for God is the creator. From God do everything come to exist and in God do they have their being. God is the centre, the source and animating Spirit of all that lives and exists. When this truth is accepted, every being gets to know that it is forever subject to God! When this state of being subject is acknowledged, appreciated and accepted, everything in life proceeds with ease and peace. Instead, when that subjection is resisted or resented, problems begin. 

This is true not merely about things and the nature! It is about every being created on earth, and very much so for human persons, who are the foremost in resisting it and resenting it. This is natural because we are given some faculties which differentiate us from the other forms of beings, which take us to the level of being considered, "little lower than the angels" as says the Psalmist (8:5). We have been given an added gift of freewill and the capacity to subject ourselves to God, vis-à-vis  the other beings which are naturally subject to the creator. 

This is both a grace and a challenge - naturally a grace that we have to willfully submit ourselves and draw merits and blessing from it; interestingly a challenge, that we are responsible for everything that we bring on ourselves when we choose not to subject ourselves to the all powerful and ever loving God. 

We make a difference when we decide on our own to subject ourselves to God... a difference not only to ourselves, but to our own around us and to the entire humanity and the universe! 

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