Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Drooping hands and weak knees, or faith alive?

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 4th week in Ordinary time

February 1, 2023: Hebrews 12:4-7,11-16; Mark 6:1-6

God is all powerful except before our free will... it is not that God is incapable but God has chosen to implant within us, that freedom which is God's own image and likeness. At times we may feel we are afflicted, but we are not without the means to withstand these afflictions. We have within us the necessary strength to stand up to these. At no time are we faced with a trial that is beyond our capacity. That is the promise of the Word: 1 Cor 10:13.

However, there is one thing that can drive us to despair... drooping hands and weak knees. Drooping hands symbolise my lack of faith in the capacity God has placed within me. Weak knees symbolise the lack of dependence on God, the pride that makes me ignore my need for God. When these happen, I find myself helpless, because I do not perceive the Lord, although God is so close to me and so concerned about me - just like those who were not able to see Christ, in Jesus!

It can happen easily to us - that we are guided by the drooping hands and carried by weak knees, that we give up easily and lament readily. We forget the fact that we have had moments of difficulties and have been carried across by the loving presence of God. We are so focused on the problems around us that we fail to see a presence that challenges all those problems! We would refrain from this, if only our faith remains active and alive every moment of our life!

What do I choose, specially in moments of difficulties and trials: drooping hands and weak knees? or a faith alive?

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