Sunday, February 12, 2023

Holding our heads high!

WORD 2day:  Monday, 6th week in Ordinary time

February 13, 2023: Genesis 4:1-15,25; Mark 8:1-13

If you do well, you can hold your head high, the Lord tells Cain. It is the same that Jesus demonstrates through himself and his disposition in the gospel. He lived his life, his convictions, his mission so well that he had his head always held high. Jesus invites us too to live with our heads held high - with our unwavering commitment to the Reign, our undaunted spirit of self giving and an inevitable readiness to put up with inconveniences!

The world is today witness to the extreme folly that is possible - the so-called leaders and powerful persons, in the name of politics and service to humanity are making a mockery of themselves. The war situations, the economic instablity, the politics-money alliance, the power-selfishness combo... these are making everything look so bleak and pointless. What does truth really mean today and where do honesty and integrity take us to?

Everyday choices and our life, have to be integral to live our daily life with our heads held high. Following Christ the Truth, being inspired by the Spirit of Truth, and forever enshrined in the palm of the One Whole Truth, let us live as Children of God, holding our heads high, in truth and love.

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