Wednesday, February 22, 2023

PEACE-LENT 2023: Peace is Reconciliation

Ash Wednesday - February 22, 2023

The WORD in LENT: Joel 2:12-18; 2Corinthians 5:20 - 6:2; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

Be reconciled to God - that is the crux of the message given to us at lent. We begin today this year's lenten journey... this year we shall celebrate the Peace-Lent. 

Peace is a yearning that everyone has today world over. In fact the whole creation is thirsting for this peace! The ecological crisis, the economic crises, the political unrests, the human right violations... every one of this experience is a reminder of the lack of peace, the lack of shalom! The message of reconciliation that is central to the season of lent, is a key towards peace.

The varied terms in which the Word expresses the message of the whole of lent: come back, turn to the Lord, order a fast, assemble and gather, be reconciled, pray, fast... all these terms refer to the peace journey that we are invited to make. The peace journey is all about reconciliation, returning to the fullness that we are gifted with! 

Peace is reconciliation, a getting back to the holistic relationship with myself, with others, with the Ultimate Other, my God who loves me without measure.

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