Thursday, April 27, 2023

More and more like Him!

WORD 2day: Friday, 3rd week after Easter

April 28, 2023: Acts 9:1-20; John 6: 52-59

When Jesus said he would give his flesh to eat, the people objected calling it impossible. When Paul said he would preach Christ to the end of the world, people again objected calling it unbelievable. That is how the world is... accept it and do all the good you intend to. 

Paul knew what it meant to become one flesh with Christ. He knew the passion that filled Christ's heart and understood the mission that occupied his mind. Paul was one flesh with Christ and felt, thought and acted like Christ. It is not I, but Christ who lives in me - this was not a mere statement, but a lived experience. 

The people who accepted the faith in Christ, knew that they were called not merely to change their name or their external identities, but their lives, their thinking, their mindset, their priorities, their thought processes...their whole being. That is how they became witnesses, to the ends of the world. 

The invitation to us is clear too: to become like Christ, to live like Christ, to become one flesh with Christ, if at all we wish to see a renewal in this world. Each os us is given all the opportunities to progress in this call, but the challenge is that we take this task to heart. 
May the body we eat and the blood we consume make us more and more like Him!

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