Monday, April 24, 2023

The Gen Next that Goes!


April 25, 2023: Celebrating Mark the Evangelist
1 Peter 5:5-14; Mark 16:15-20

Today we have a saint from the Gen Next Christians - Mark the evangelist. He comes out as a dedicated young man convinced of his call and enduring in his response. The apostles and disciples were extremely different from each other in their calibre and character. But what bound them together was the 'Go' that they received from the Lord. It was that commission from the Master that kept them going. 

In fact the Gen Next Christians have this as their mark - the dedication to the "Go" that they received from the Lord. Today when Pope Francis calls for a Church that goes out...or the missionary Church, this is the characteristic mark that he wishes to hightlight - the Church, the believers, the faithful, the brothers and sisters who go out of their way to make the presence of the Lord felt wherever they are!

After the apostles who went around proclaiming the Message, we see generations (the Nex Gen) following them in responding whole heartedly to the project entrusted. Mark becomes the representative of the Gen Next that immediately followed the 12 and Mark leaves indelible trails by his commitment and dedication.

Our call today is to take our call seriously as the Gen Next Christians, to dedicate ourselves to the commission from the Lord... to Go, to reach out, to take the Goodnews to the world!

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