Sunday, May 7, 2023

The plot, the power and the perseverance

WORD 2day: Monday, 5th week after  Easter

May 8, 2023: Acts 14:5-18; John 14:21-26

The Jews and the non Jews together plot to get rid of the apostles but what triumphed was not the plot but the power of God. The Power of God was more and more getting manifest in the life and works of the apostles and they were bearing unimaginable witness to the Christ-experience.

But what did the apostles do to acquire such power as to stand before the authorities and systems which seemed so frightening to them earlier - it was simply their perseverance. They remained with the Lord, although at times they were tempted to leave and return to some other way of life. But they stuck on to the Lord.

Not just temptations, they were threatened, they were beaten up, they were arrested and they were flogged, but nothing could stop them from living their life for the Lord and for the Lord's message. Every persecution made them more strong in their commitment. They spared nothing to express their total belonging to the Lord. 

The plots will abound even in our life - from within and from around us! But if we are strong in our mind and heart, these plots will be overcome by the power of the Lord, invested within me by the Lord. All that we need to do is stay with the Lord and pray: strenghten us O Lord to stay with you.

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