Thursday, June 1, 2023

Being Godly...being human

WORD 2day: Friday, 8th week in Ordinary time

June 2, 2023: Sirach 44: 1, 9-13; Mark 11: 11-26

The readings today speak to us of an essential dimension of human life, a mark of bring truly human: being Godly. If we can narrow down to some particular marks for being human beings vis-a-vis the 'lower' beings, it has to be, being Godly. However these days the social network seems to present us with cases of many of these animals, the so called 'lower' beings, with qualities and actions much more edifying than those of the humans.

Today the Word outlines for us two signs of being Godly...

Being rooted in God - finding one's solace and fulfillment in nothing less than God, finding the hand of God in every bit of one's well being, being grateful for and conscious of the good that God continues to do, standing by to find out God's will and accompaniment in daily journeys of life. ..these are signs of being rooted in God.

Bearing forth God's fruits - one who bears forth God's fruits will bear it forth for others and not make a living out of it as it was happening in the Temple; he or she will bear it forth in season and out of season, in abundance and always mindful that the fruits belong to God.

While the so-called post-modern advanced world of today, finds it difficult, be it to root itself in God or bear forth fruits that are Godly, isn't it a Christian challenge to manifest in our lives that being human is being Godly?

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