Monday, June 19, 2023

Love even if it hurts!

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 11th week in Orinary time

June 20, 2023: 2 Corinthians 8: 1-9; Matthew 5: 43-48

St. Paul presents an example of the community of Macedonia to his beloved community of Corinth. He calls them to excel in their faith, to reach the heights of authenticity in their faith. And the way he proposes is, as the people of Macedonia, to be compassionate towards the others, generous towards those in want, and empathetic towards those in need! 

Paul is but reiterating the invitation of Christ to all his followers - be you perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect! And the way to perfection that Jesus proposes is in Love - a love that does not expect any appreciation in return, a love that does not expect anything in return, a love that does not expect even love in return. 

A tough call even for the saintliest among us - to love and expect nothing in return! Infact, when something is expected in return it is no love! That is why God's love is unconditional and every love that is genuine, is with absolutely no tags attached. Love is merely a giving, an offering, a self-offering. And obviously, it involves a great risk of rejection or depreciation, but that risk cannot stop me from loving. That is the exact point. 

How well said by Mother Teresa, 'Love until it hurts'. Truly Christ-ian!!!

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