Sunday, June 4, 2023

Prophecy - a core Christian call!

WORD 2day: Monday, 9th week in Ordinary time

June 5, 2023: Tobit 1: 1a, 2-3a, 2: 1c-8; Mark 12: 1-12

Prophecy, is part of our Christian calling, not just a part but the very core of it. Prophets are not merely soothsayers or fortune tellers or those who foresay events! The different shades of the literal meaning of a prophet are: pro-phetes - to speak for God, to speak before the people, to speak for the truth in front of the people, to stand alone for the 'right' before a multitude that may stand around and pressurise me against it. Tobias in the first reading and Jesus in the Gospel are doing just that! 

It is not a matter of belonging to a category called 'prophets' or to consider self righteously oneself better than all the rest - but it is knowing what is right, being convinced of what is right and being that. Yes, 'being' that, not just 'doing' that. 

Compromises and Justifications can be found for any issue, excuses and good reasons can be found for any lack... whereas, prophecy is that dimension of one's personality that remains itself at all times, looks at itself and judges oneself, with the parameters that makes sense only to a person who shares that state of life. 

May we grow more and more aware of ourselves, our convictions and our priorities that we may constantly check whether we are really living our call to prophecy in the ordinary circumstances of our daily Christian living.

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