Thursday, September 7, 2023

Called according to God's Purpose


September 8, 2023: Nativity of our Blessed Mother
Micah 5: 1-4a (or) Romans 8: 28-30; Matthew 1: 18-23

The readings prescribed for the feast do not speak to us directly of Mary... but they have a truth which our Blessed Mother teaches us very strongly. The truth is: the choice that God has made for us! As St.Paul would say writing to the Ephesians, God chose us in Christ before the foundations of the world! The Birth of Mary signals in utter silence the beginning of the climax of God's plan of salvation. 

Here we have the mystery involved in this feast. We enshrine within ourselves a marvellous design which we ourselves are not aware of. Mother Mary is a splendid example for us to learn from. From eternity God has chosen us for a particular purpose and each of us has to discern that purpose.

Birthday of our Blessed Mother is a beautiful occasion to reflect on our state of being called - each of us is called, called according to God's purposes. God has a purpose for which he has put me into this world at this time and at this place, in a context so specific with a purpose so specific. There can be problems, discouragements, disturbances and even disasters, but I would have fulfilled my purpose if I learn to, and manage to, live my life to the full, refusing to be curtailed by the negativities around me, finding always the best way of responding to the situation that I am faced with.

When will I be able to do that? Only when I am convinced that there is a purpose to my life, when I believe that I have been created with a purpose, that I have been loved into existence with a magnificent plan which I may now know at present, but will slowly get to understand. Mary is a standing example for this and that is what we celebrate today - that moment when the world beheld her, her who was called into existence with a great purpose, the salvation of the universe!

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