Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Writing on your Wall?

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 34th week in Ordinary time

November 29, 2023 - Daniel 5: 1-6,13-14,16-17,23-28; Luke 21: 5-11

"The writing on the wall" - the familiar phrase in English, has its origin in the first reading today. The meaning is very clear and that is precisely the message of the Word today. It is clear to all of us even as we choose things on a daily basis, to what consequences they will lead us. None of us can claim a total ignorance, while most of us do not want to really accept the fact that we do know the consequences of our choices; unfortunately we feign ignorance and desperately look for someone or something to blame it on. In all sincerity we know that, what we sow, we reap.

Our choices, unfortunately, are conditioned by events and experiences that are momentary - the instant, the immediate, the current, the here and the now! Those are obviously not enough. There are perspectives of life which we do not respect at all - the ultimate, the eternal, the essential - these are considered despicable. The result, our choices and their consequences become so sad and dangerous in the long run.

Our choices of negative tendencies like manipulation, disrespect, abuse, violence and exploitation cannot but lead to situations of hopelessness, darkness and death - King Belshazzar is sadly made aware of it today by Daniel. But there is yet another writing on the wall that is presented: Jesus says, if you choose to belong to me, if you choose to be called my disciples, if you choose to respond to my call, you will be derided, persecuted and even killed, but do not fear; in your endurance you would have won life, life in all its fullness, life from the very author of life, life everlasting!

The key is to become aware of the writing on my wall... even as we make choices that are regular and usual. Look at all the universal phenomena we talk of today: the global warming, the rising totalitarianism, the threatening fanaticism, the crazy arms proliferation... where did all these arise from, if not from our active or passive choices? Yes, let us grow more and more conscientious and aware of the writing on our walls!

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