Sunday, December 10, 2023

Preparing the Reign - Learn to See

THE WORD IN ADVENT - Second week Monday

December 11, 2023 - Isaiah 35: 1-10; Luke 5: 17-26

How do we prepare the Reign? By learning to see, by learning to see the Reign! They were all astounded and praised God, saying,  "We have seen strange things today." This is how the Gospel ends today. They had Jesus all the time with them. They saw cures. They were fed as multitudes, with almost nothing in hand. They saw the blind see and the dumb speak, just as we hear in the first reading. But did they really see the Christ, at action. Jesus makes them SEE that today. 

It was not enough for them to look at Jesus as someone who did wonders or someone who exorcised - because even some of their own, among them, were capable of doing it as Jesus himself asked elsewhere: 'if you say I cast the devil out by the power of beelzebul, by whom do your own people drive them out?' (Matt 12:27). They had to see the Christ, the Son of God, the One who comes in the name of the Yahweh! That is why he says that - "your sins are forgiven"! To free that man from his paralysis, but more to open the eyes of those people. They had to see.

The first reading repeats that theme - they shall see the glory and the splendour of God, they shall see the God who is coming, the eyes of the blind shall be opened... it is crucial that we see! That we see Christ present in our midst, that we see Christ present in those around us, that we see the Reign of God present amidst us, that we see the Lord coming with the Reign. Preparing the Reign first and foremost requires that we see the Reign. 

It is not that easy - there are three tendencies that can make that task difficult. First, our obstinacy, that we wish to see only what we wish to see and we do not want to admit to anything that we do not wish to. Second, our incapacity, that we remain so blind and blocked that it takes so much to be liberated from our mental and intellectual paralysis. Thirdly, our distractedness or wrong focus, which makes us so attentive to what actually does not matter, instead of living our lives on the lines of what our Lord and Saviour has taught us: let's get up and walk, and we shall SEE the Reign. 

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