Sunday, January 28, 2024

Presentism or Reign-mindset?

WORD 2day: Monday, Fourth week in Tempo ordinario

January 29, 2024 - 2 Samuel 15: 13-14,30, 16:5-13; Mark 5: 1-20

We come across two lifestyles in the Word today. First is represented in the Gospel, where the whole quarters of the people is terrified with the presence of the possessed man - a constant and continuous threat to security and peace. And Jesus arrives there curing the man and clearing their difficulty for the rest of their days. But what happens in the process is a herd of swine is lost, over two thousand we are told. And what is the response of the people who truly should have been profusely grateful to Jesus? They ask him to leave their locality, for fear that they could lose more! This is a lifestyle, which says, when it comes to losing what I feel attached to, even if it is the Lord, I don't want to have anything to do with it. My attachments and priorities are too sacred to lose! There is a very strong 'here and now' here, a dangerous presentism, that takes the true meaning out of our life. 

There is another lifestyle reported - David, who is facing a coup d'etat. While he is fleeing the scene with such heavy heart, he is accosted by a man from the clan of King Saul, cursing him bitterly. Those who are with David, threaten the man to silence. But how does David respond? It is here we see the lifestyle portrayed: he says, if it were God's prompting that this man cursed me, who am I to resent it. What a lesson: even if it is a curse, a difficulty, a trouble, a hurdle, if it is within the design of God, I have nothing to refrain from, I have nothing to fear! For God knows the plans that God has for me, for my fullness of life! That is true Reign-mindset, that prioritises God and thinks in terms of eternity. 

What a contrast we have in these two mindsets! One to say, if I can avoid pain and trouble, I dont mind giving up even God; the other to say, even if it is the worst of circumstances, if it is within the plan of God, I do not fear anything for God is with me! Which of these mindsets do we wish to grow in? That is our choice!

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