Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Interior Castle

WORD 2day: Friday before Epiphany

January 5, 2024 - 1 John 3: 11-21; John 1: 43-51

Reflecting on the Word today, we can readily be reminded of the famous title written by St. Teresa of Avila: the Interior Castle. That reminds us of the fact, that our life of faith actually is a life lived at the interior castle of our beings! That is why we are required to invite people to 'come and see', as does Philip today. This is in continuation with the reflection we had yesterday, where Jesus invited the disciples to 'come and see' and challenged them to invite others! Andrew yesterday and Philip today, took up that challenge and invited others! 

We cannot share our spiritual experience with others, merely with words and proofs! Words, or even deeds, speak much less than what our personal interior lives can speak. What we are called to dare is, to invite others to come and see our life, our innermost life. When our interior life is orderly, when our conscience is at peace, when our inner sanctuary is maintained with holiness and purity, our entire life can become a testimony to others: we can without fear say, "Come and See" my interior castle! 

The interior castle is where my Lord lives. Yes, the secret about the interior castle is practically, integrity; the presence of the Lord, enshrining the Lord firmly in my innermost sactuary of life, so firmly that from that centre my life is guided, directed and oriented - nothing happens without that centre of my being, the Being at the centre of everything.

The call is that we dare to build this interior castle, little by little, furnish it with care to the extent that we can dare to invite the world around and let them see the Lord dwelling there: come and see!

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