Monday, February 5, 2024

External expressions vs Internal dispositions

WORD 2day: Tuesday, Fifth week in Ordinary time

February 6, 2024 - 1 Kings 8: 22-23, 27-30; Mark 7: 1-13

The Word continues to speak to us still in keeping with the theme of yesterday. The first reading presents to us Solomon who brings to light the relationship that lies between the absolute importance of the temple and the folly of limiting God's presence to the temple. These are two crucial elements to understand about a devotion, which are indicative of a certain maturity, which renders one's faith worthy of being called an adult faith.

Jesus too talks of the same, but from a different context. He contrasts between an External Expression and an Internal Disposition: they are not exclusive choices to be made but they point to a mature balance to be achieved, because both are needed! But what makes the difference is the priority given to one over the other and the motive with which such a priority or choice is made.

What the Word today wants to impress on us is this: that external expressions without deep internal dispositions will turn into mere ritualism and legalism; that is what Jesus was opposed to and today that is what would militate against being a true disciple of Christ. 

On the other hand, a mere internal disposition without right external expression will lead to a cold individualism which is totally 'unchristian'! It makes me either narcissitic or too diffident to be what I am, in public. 

Let our internal disposition be challenged and transformed on a daily basis towards a continuous maturity that leads to a meaningful living of our faith.

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