Friday, February 23, 2024

Through the desert - towards true freedom!

THE WORD IN LENT - Saturday, First Week

February 24, 2024 - Deuteronomy 26: 16-19; Matthew 5: 43-48

Through the desert God leads us to freedom... we see that the focus is shifting gradually from the reflection on the desert and our journey through it, to freedom - the sweet and salvific destiny to which we are called. Towards freedom... towards true freedom. That requires that we begin with understanding first what freedom is all about. 

Frequently, persons are given into believing that freedom is the capacity to do what one wishes to, without any control or check.  It is important to realize as early as possible in life, that true freedom is the capacity to choose to do the right, to do what I have to, without fear, or pressures whether internal or external. There are two Christ-ian teachings that come to our aid to understand this reality: when Jesus says 'truth sets you free' and when John interprets Christ saying, 'where there is fear, love is not perfect'!  

If we are to really have freedom, grow towards true freedom, what matters is truth! Knowing the truth, knowing what is expected of me, knowing what I need to do, knowing what is right to be done... I need not endlessly wonder or frenetically search... For God has made it known to me. That is the privilege that we have as people of God, a great gift that God has made the precepts known to us. Thus we have the possibility to move determinedly towards freedom.

We have clearly set out for us one basic thing expected of us: to love. To love the other, not just those who will love us in return, but love all and specially those whom we know will not be able to love us back. That is one clear way to freedom indicated to us. No one should stop is from loving, only that would define us as truly children of God, free children children of the loving God. 

God is love, God is truth; hence love is truth, the truth that can lead us to true freedom.

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