Tuesday, March 26, 2024



March 27, 2024: Isaiah 50: 4-9; Matthew 26:14-25

The disciple's tongue to speak and the disciple's ear to listen - that is what the Lord has given us; but whether we use the faculty or not, depends so much on our choice! Jesus had given all the needed warning – a long time warning about having right priorities and a proximate warning about cruciality of personal choices to make. But nothing deterred Judas from following the way of ruin. This Wednesday reminds us of the unfortunate choice that Judas had made – that is why it could be termed the Betrayal Wednesday… when that definitive negotiation and choice was made for the evil! He has begun looking for the opportunity to hand Jesus over to Jews!

Betrayal is not failure – it would not have been a betrayal, if Judas had tried and failed. Trying and failing is a disciple’s way – he or she will however realise and restart, because the priorities have not been lost, but only forgotten for a little unfortunate while. The disciple’s ear is attentive, at least at a second moment he or she will pick the right: the disciple would soon feel: did we not feel our hearts burning when we listened to Him?

Betrayal is not weakness – it would not have been judged his fate, if what Judas did was his weakness. Peter’s act was a weakness; the apostles’ desertion was a weakness; but it did not come against their identity as disciples – they came back with vigour to announce the Lord they loved – the disciple’s tongue is the expression of one’s love for the Master. It is making it clear – making a choice, an absolute choice for the Lord.

Betrayal is a choice – a choice, a deliberate choice to go into the dark night, to let the evil rule, to go with something that you think will lead you to your goals while you are actually losing your original call and the love with which you responded to that call. The strong reminder given to us today is that discipleship is all about our priorities and our personal choices! 

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