Monday, May 6, 2024

People formed by the Lord - with Open Hearts

WORD 2day - Monday, Sixth week in the Eastertide

May 6, 2024 - Acts 16:11-15; john 15:26 - 16:4

We begin a special week today. At the end of this week we would be celebrating the Ascension of the Lord. And the Lord seems to be preparing this disciples and apostles for his departure, it seems an extended farewell, the whole of this week. We would do well to listen and reflect on the Word this week because it is going to point to us the criteria that the Lord has to judge if we are formed enough or not, to live our lives, as the Lord wants us to, as the Lord witnesses to the ends of the earth.  

The first criterion the Word presents today, is that we be persons with Open hearts. Unless we open our hearts, the Word cannot reach out to us, the Lord cannot work within us and the Spirit cannot dwell within us! The reading from the Acts of the Apostles presents to us the case of a lady called Lydia, who listened to Paul and the Lord opened her heart. She became a disciple and a great benefactor as we see. The Lord opened her heart... do we allow the Lord to open our heart?

The Gospel speaks to us of the Advocate who would come, the Advocate who comes from the Lord... the Spirit who speaks in our hearts, through various ways, making known to us what the Lord wants of us. This coming, requires that we are welcoming! That is, we receive the Lord with Open hearts. Yes the Lord can open our hearts, but only when we open our hearts to the Lord! What do we mean by this opening our hearts?

Jesus explains that to us as the capacity to see, accept and understand the Truth. The advocate who comes from the Father, is the Spirit of truth, who opens our hearts, our will, our entire being to observe the truth, understand the truth and accept it whole heartedly. Only then we shall understand all that we see and hear, "when the time comes". Let us prepare ourselves to be people formed by the Lord, ready to grow up, see the truth and receive the truth, with Open Hearts.  

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