Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Relationship: the promise of the New Covenant

WORD 2day: Monday, 3rd week in Ordinary Time

January 27, 2025 - Hebrews 9:15, 24-28; Mark 3: 22-30

We are continuing our reflection with the letter to the hebrews, and after the series on the journey of our faith in the first week, the reflection on 'the way' in the second week, we begin a reflection on the reason behind and the foundation of this journey and the way... the relationship - which is the crux of the promise that Jesus gave us! 

Jesus' promise of the New Covenant is a promise of eternal salvation. The Word affirms that this salvation is given to all, by that sacrifice once and for all, on Calvary. Every one is promised forgiveness and salvation, but every person has to claim that salvation for oneself. There can be three blocks that can prevent a person from claiming this salvation for onself. 

The first is the social block - that the background and experience handed down does not allow one to experience this salvation. This can be overcome by a new experience that can change the entire life of a person. The second is the personal block - that the weaknesses within us, the limitations that we personally experience keeps us away from God. But this block, can be worked out of, with the grace of God. 

The third, and most dangerous of all, is a psuedo block because of which I deliberately keep myself away from God. It is my lack of openness and anti-spiritual bias that takes me far from the promise of the New Covenant. It could be due to any selfish or egoistic reason, which most of the time is psuedo block... from which not even God can save us! 

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