Sunday, February 23, 2025

Faith and Wisdom - gifts from God

WORD 2day: Monday, 7th week in Ordinary time

February 24, 2025 - Ecclesiastes 1:1-10; Mark 9: 14-29

Knowledge can be obtained by effort and hardwork, but wisdom comes from the Lord. We may read, listen, think and increase our knowledge, but putting various pieces of knowledge together to arrive at a decision is wisdom and that cannot be acquired by purely hardwork or merely human effort. 

It is a gift from the Lord, because Wisdom as the first reading tells us today, belongs to God and whom God deigns to grant it, and the measure God wills to grant it. Wisdom is basically the capacity for discernment   and we know well how much it is the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

Belief is born from what we learn and what we understand, while Faith is not merely our lonesome job. It is our personal response to a self revealing God. If so, it is the Lord who grants us this faith, as a gift and helps us grow and mature in it too. It flows from the gift of discernment, the capacity to see the right sense from all that is presented to us in the name of knowledge and information.  

'Lord I believe, help my unbelief" ...we come across that profound prayer today. It would do a great good to us, to make this prayer a regular and daily prayer, confiding ourselves in the Lord, beckoning the Lord to help our unbelief and make us truly faithful sons and daughters!

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