Monday, April 29, 2013

WORD 2day

April 29, 2013

Sometimes when we live our life to the full, people can see God in us. They thought Paul and Barnabas were gods! Catherine of Siena, whose memory we commemorate today accomplished great feats for God and the Church during her life time! People found in her the glory and the splendour of God's presence. Her total belonging to God, her wisdom in discernment and her courage to stand up for God were her exceptional traits and that is what we celebrate in her. 'If a person loves me, the person will keep my word' says Jesus and declares, 'my Father will love the person, and we will come to the person and make our home with the person.' This is how we become the dwelling place of God: by keeping the Word...we are called to live our life as dwellings of God! St.Paul raises that interesting question in 1Cor3:16, 'dont you know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?'

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