Tuesday, April 30, 2013

WORD 2day

30th April, 2013

Peace is the first gift the Risen Lord gave his disciples and then followed the Spirit, the guarantor of Peace! All of us wish peace in the world; fb posts against violence, tweets against violators, movements against warring nations, all these are attempts to uphold peace. Wonderful but not Sufficient! It is from within that true peace is born. For the disciples shattered by Jesus’ death, it was the very presence of the Risen Lord amidst them that brought peace within. Then they were able to ‘Rise and keep going’. When we find this peace-within even the worst of events around us can be faced with an incredible serenity. In the first reading, Paul who was left to die, when surrounded by the disciples, he rose and entered the city… as if nothing happened…and of course he went on proclaiming the Good news! Being sure of the presence of the Lord with us and within us, can give us a peace that nothing can take away! Peace be with you!

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