Wednesday, May 1, 2013

WORD 2day

1 May, 2013: St.Joseph the Labourer

We see the readings suggesting two decisive moves of God... One, making the Human person liken to Godself (I reading) and the other, making the Son of God liken to the human person (Gospel); both defined by the work of one's hands. True, we are called to be like God, in what we be Co-creators with God in what we are able to positively contribute to our existential environment. And in being human beings, we are identified very often with what we 'do'...and that is justified to a certain extent, after all Jesus did not resent being called the 'son of the carpenter.' But the point here is a tender warning from God - 'mind what you do' and 'be mindful of what you do' - an invitation to look at whatever we do, as an occupation, as a participation in the continual process of Divine Creation of the Universe.

Today, the occasion warrants an additional thought... a thought about those who labour! All those who labour, need our appreciation and affirmation today. But specially those who labour and the labour goes unnoticed, unrecognised, unrewarded, under-rewarded, taken for granted, manipulated and exploited... they deserve and solicit our solidarity and commitment towards justice and a just world.

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