Wednesday, June 11, 2014

God's blessings...Deepagam.

Deepagam, is the Don Bosco Catechetical Centre - a centre for Religious Education and Value Education. It is the animating centre for the dimension of Evangelisation and Catechesis in the Salesian Province of Chennai. Having had its humble and challenging beginning in the mid-eighties, the centre today has spanned more than a quarter of a century, or infact nearly three decades! Great stalwarts like Rev. Fr. John Peter Sathiaraj, Rev. Fr. Jerome Vallabaraj have been associated with its origins, and Fr. Jayapalan Raphael, the present Provincial of Chennai, Fr. Arulanandam Devasagayam, Fr. Antony Clement, Fr. Kirubagaran have served as the Director of the Centre at various periods of time!

God has given me the great privilege to serve at the Centre right now for a second stint (the first being from 2007 to 2009), and today - 13th June, 2014 we inaugurate a simple renovated block which would serve as the premises for the centre from now on. Its a sheer blessing from God and I am happy to share with you all this moment. May the Spirit of the Lord remain with us and move the Centre to more and more commitment towards Sharing the Light!

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