Wednesday, June 11, 2014

WORD 2day: 12th June, 2014

Never say quits, when it comes to righteousness

I Kgs 18: 41-46; Mt 5: 20-26

Let your righteousness surpass the righteousness of the scribes and the pharisees, warns Jesus today. It is not at all typical of Jesus to compare someone with another; but today he does it, to make a point very clear. Some times we could be exactly the kind of persons, with whom we find fault. That is infact what he means, when Jesus asks us, 'why do see the speck in your neighbour's eye while you do not notice the log in your own eye?' (Mt 7:3). 

Instead of finding fault with the others and judging them to be right, wrong or despicable, we are challenged to keep growing in our righteousness. At times we console ourselves in our mediocrity, comparing ourselves with the tolerable characters and compromising personalities. Whereas Jesus continues to propose to us a lofty ideal: Be you perfect as your heavenly father is perfect (Mt 5:48).

When our righteousness reaches such heights, that we are determined to be like our heavenly Father, we will surpass all righteousness of the world; that is what we are called to: never stop growing in our perfection! Never say quits, when it comes to righteousness and you will see how many marvels you will witness, as did Elijah in his times.

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