Monday, June 9, 2014

WORD 2day: 10th June, 2014

That your jars may never run dry!

I Kgs 17: 7-16; Mt 5: 13-16

Be salt; be light; says the Lord, that your jar may never run dry! As salt is never for itself, but adds taste to where it is present; as light is never for itself but burns, so that all those who are around may see where they are; so is a disciple of Christ, called to live for others without counting the cost. 

Being salt, you are required to lose yourself and dissolve your identity in the whole lot. Being light, you are required to burn yourself for the others to see. It is nothing but an imitation of the Son of God who gave up his divinity (Phil 2) and shone to be the light of the world (Jn 8:12). A life that is lived for others, will never run itself out.

The widow of Zarephath is challenged to think of the other before herself. Because she did not hesistate to do it, she witnessed an astounding miracle; and she herself becomes a miraculous witness referred to even by Christ himself (cf. Lk 4:26). If we accept the same challenge in our day to day life, to place others before us, others' need before our's, others' concerns before our's, then we will witness the same miracle. Let us accept the challenge to be salt and light, that is to be Christlike, that our jars may never run dry!

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