Monday, June 9, 2014

WORD 2day: 9th June, 2014

God is incharge!

I Kings 17:1-6; Mt 5: 1-12

Back to the Ordinary Season from today! Ordinary days do not mean that we take whatever pertains to the Lord for granted. We have today the all famous 'Beatitudes' from the Gospel according to Mathew. Jesus explains to us a set of blessedness, a definition that goes contrary to the definitions of the so called 'ordinary world'. It seems as if St. Paul took the cue from here to write those beautiful wisdom: "Do not be conformed to the world, but... discern what is the will of God - what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Rom 12:2).

The Blessedness that Jesus presents is not something that demands that I do a lot of things and that I prove myself to be a great success in unbelievable feats! It just consists in surrendering to the Lord and realising that in everything, 'God is incharge!' Situations that try our patience, persons who get on to our nerves, moments that challenge our will to belong to God and temptations that vow to take us far from God...they are bound to be there this day: what is going to be my attitude? 

Let us have a look at the attitude of Elijah in the first reading: he surrenders, and surrenders totally! That is the model, that is the example, that is the attitude of the beatitude, that is the mentality that realises, accepts and believes that in everything, 'God is incharge!'

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