Saturday, March 19, 2016

HOLY WEEK 2016 - The Palm Sunday


20th March 2016

The task given to us by the Lord is to ENTER... as he enters the city of Jerusalem! 

Jesus entered the city knowing well that it is going to lead him to trouble. When we decide to take it upon ourselves to be like the Lord, there will be problems from all side. There will be those who wait to kill us; there will those who long to see our downfall; there will be those who criticise us; there will be those who stand by and watch us suffer; there will be those who take pleasure in remaining unconcerned about the cause we stand for! But I am called to enter into that life that the Lord calls me to live, for God and for God's mission.

Jesus entered the city, with joy and enthusiasm of the people. A sad Christian is a sorry Christian. The task that we take upon ourselves to build the Reign of God may be demanding but that cannot take away the joy and enthusiasm from within us. I have to be the cause of joy and enthusiasm for the people, I cannot be an hindrance to their joy and happiness; much more I cannot be the cause of the grief of the people! I am called to take up the tough task of standing up for the Lord, but with a joyful heart and a glad spirit.

Jesus entered the city, to complete that task that was entrusted to him. He had his task clear cut, and he was aware of it. He had told that to his disciples time and again: that he would go to Jerusalem and suffer and be handed over to those who will kill him. Though he prayed that the bitter chalice should pass away, finally he submits himself to God and that is how he becomes our way to the Father. In his obedience Jesus paves a way to our salvation. How far am I prepared to go all the way in obedience to the One who has called me!

The challenge is to enter the life that the Lord wants us to. It may cost our comfort zone, our close acquaintances and even our life. But that is not going to be for too long. I have to go a long way...but the Lord God is with me, and his Word shall protect me. Hosanna in the Highest!


elsi said...

Yes Lord give us d strength n courage to stand up for you n do what is pleasing to u rather than pleasing people to build your kingdom. Empower us Lord with your wisdom n boldness to do so. Amen!

tomssdb said...

1. A sad Christian is a sorry Christian.
2. In his obedience Jesus paves way to our salvation.