Saturday, March 19, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 19th March

BE FULFILLMENT: stand on the promises of God!

Celebrating St. Joseph, Spouse of Mary
2 Sam 7: 4-5,12-14,16; Rom 4: 13,16-18,22; Mt 1:16,18-21,24

Though today is a Solemnity, an exception granted by the Church to deviate from the Lenten sobreity, we could go on with our mercilent thoughts as today's saint brings to a fitting conclusion the mercilent attitudes. 

St. Joseph embodied a great number of fulfilments of the Lord's promises...that is the key to understand today's Word. Beginning from the promise given to David through Prophet Nathan and ending with the interpretation given by St. Paul about those who stand by the promises of the Lord, Joseph is figured as a sign of the fulfilment of the Lord's promises. 

How does St. Joseph stand out as a sign of Fulfilment...that would be the attitude we take to heart today. He was Simple, Silent and Single-minded!

Joseph was simple, he never wished to complicate issues. Even when he wanted to reject Mary due to the information he had, he wanted to do it in a very unnoticed manner. He remains all through the Gospel too, an unnoticed simple saint and that is why God deigns to fulfill God's promises through him.

Joseph was silent, he does not speak even at places where he could have made some solemn pronouncements after great events like, the visions to accept Mary, the warning to run away to Egypt, the event of finding lost Jesus in the temple. Joseph remains in holy silence just cooperating with the Will of God.

Joseph was single-minded in his commitment to carrying out what God wanted. He had no second opinions when it came to obeying orders from the Lord. It was this single-mindedness that made him receive those visions: because he was so filled with the anxiety to do the will of the Father who sent him that he had clear directions in and through those dreams!

The Mercilent Attitude for today: Be simple, be silent, be single-minded: be fulfillment!

1 comment:

elsi said...

Yes Lord teach us to b like St Joseph simple, silent n single minded seeking only God's will for our lives.Amen!