Friday, March 18, 2016

MERCILENT 2016 - 18th March

BE DEPENDENT: it's no loss of your self image!

Friday,  5th week in Lent
Jer 20: 10-13; Jn 6: 63-68

The days are such that people clamour for recognition and go a long way to hold on to their self image and their due credits. It is not anymore rare to hear of conflicts for credits - that someone usurped it from someone else and so on. It goes even to an extent where one even claims credit for what has been gifted so gratuitously by God!

The good that we accomplish is not totally our own for us to claim absolute credit for it. First of all it is the Lord who gives us the opportunity to do that good. Secondly it is the Lord who empowers us to do that good. Thirdly it is the Lord who clears the hoards of hurdles that could possibly arise in accomplishing the said good.

That is why Jesus gives the people the work that he accomplishes as testifying to his origin from the Father. And Jeremiah is not stifled by the enormous attack on him... because he is totally convinced that what he does is God's work and not his own.

The key is to acknowledge dependence on God and to be convinced that it is no loss of one's self image or autonomy or self esteem. As St. Paul would challenge,  'what do we have that we have not received? ' (1 Cor 4:7)

The Mercilent Attitude for today : Let us express our dependence on God repeatedly and with real conviction.

1 comment:

elsi said...

Yes Lord may we always lean on you n depend on you rather than boast of our own achievements. Amen!