Sunday, August 7, 2016

Called to be READY

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Dan 7:9-10,13-14; 2 Per 1: 16-19; Lk 9:28-36

One of the fundamental calls of a typical Christian is the call to be ready. Not merely from the Early Christian Community, but right from the person of Jesus himself,  this call has been always strong - to be Ready.

How can we understand this being ready?  We look at it as a call to be...

Ruthlessly Responsible: responding with our best even in the smallest of things that we are entrusted with from the Lord.

Endlessly Enthusiastic: never losing the spirit and the joy with which everyone of our self offering to the Lord begins.

Absolutely Accountable: being so diligent with all the resources the Lord had put at our disposal,  personal and common!

Decidedly Determined: never giving into despair in the face of any issue that can arise, making it a positive decision for life

Yearning for the coming of the Lord and not afraid of it; rejoicing at the prospect of meeting the Lord instead of fearing the moment.
Are we READY?

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