Saturday, August 6, 2016


The lessons from the Transfigured Lordx

6th August, 2016

Dan 7:9-10,13-14; 2Pet 1:16-19; Lk 9:28-36

The Transfigured Lord gives the disciples, and us too, a three fold message:

- See what you don't see:

Learn to see things beyond the apparent. Jesus revealed to the disciples what they never managed to see in him. Understand the Lord has so many things ready to be revealed to you... are you ready to see?

- Hear what you don't hear:

Train yourself to hear what the Lord wants you to hear. They hear the voice challenging them to listen to the son of God and do what he says. Growing up from hearing only what I want to hear , I am called to hear what I should hear!

- Feel what you don't feel:

Form yourself to feel what you never feel ordinarily. The disciples felt a new kind of feeling that they had never felt... they felt divine but were soon made to understand that they cannot get stuck to that feeling but move on to feel with those who are down the mountain, those who are suffering,  those who are yearning for salvation, those who are waiting for the Gospel.

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