Friday, March 24, 2017


To Love is to Reign

Friday, Third week in Lent - 24th March, 2017
Hos 14: 2-10; Mk 12: 28-34

We are children of the King; the King who reigns in love, the King who is rich in mercy, the King who is ready to lay down his life for his children out of love. 

To reign we need to belong to the King and to belong to the King we need to do what the King wants us to do. The first one is to love the King and the latter is to love the king's children, that is, our brothers and sisters. To love, the King and his people, is to reign! 

Here, to reign is not to dominate but to submit oneself to the others' well being; to reign is not to rule but to serve; to reign is not to have authority over the others but to grow responsible for the others. To reign is to do to the others what God has done to me - love without limit, love without conditions, love without measure. To love is to reign!


elsi said...

Lord fill me with your love!

Hazel Anandh said...

Lord help me to be responsible for others.

Unknown said...

Lord more of you. Less of me