Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Love: a journey from death to life

Wednesday, Fourth week in Lent - 29th March, 2017
Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30

The Word today speaks of a change that is radical, a movement, a journey from death to life - all occasioned by love! God's love reaches out to everything that is dying and leads it to life. Jesus, the Son of God does the same as he promises: anyone who listens to my words, believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life;... he has passed from death to life. 

Look at the world today - is it filled with life or death? There is so much of wealth in circulation but those who have it are anxious about protecting it and those who are deprived are anguishing in need - neither of them are happy! There is so much of technological advancement - more than enhancing life, technology has come to destroy, manipulate and dehumanise life. There is so many possibilities of knowledge - no one really knows what is truth, everything happens underground and there is a constant conspiracy against peace and harmony, happiness and well being. There is a culture of death that surrounds us and threatens us. Are we going to give in?

We need to stand up and face situation. We to rise up to the occasion. We need to prove ourselves to be people of Life...people who can bring back life into this world, because we have the one who can give us life, eternal life, life in all its abundance. Love of Christ urges us to take up that journey from death to life, and take this entire world along. 

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