Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Love: refraining from using persons

Thursday, Fourth week in Lent - 30th March, 2017
Exo 32: 7-14; Jn 5: 31-47

The world today is fond of loving things and using persons. When someone wants to gain something or get something done, he or she does not mind using persons and manipulating them towards the desired end... making things achieved greater than the persons sacrificed. There are alternatives for everything, including persons in life - if not this one, the other; if this one does not work, try the other! We find individuals who are ready to switch sides in no time, simply because they have a point to gain - there are no principles, nor values and absolutely no absolutes - everything is relative to one's own whims and fancies.

This is what the Lord suffered in the hands of the people of Israel - they were so quick to abandon the Lord as they felt it is not going to work waiting for Moses endlessly - they found a ready alternative. This was their temperament all through - their memories so short that they were complaining and whining every other moment, in spite of the tremendous wonders they witnessed. This was the same with what Jesus experienced - they were so hard headed and stone hearted that Jesus could not break through. They had their own logic to hold on to and their own point to prove that they refused to see the truth unfolding right in front of their eyes. 

True love would mean not to give in to the temptation of using persons and loving things, but to treat persons with dignity, remain sensitive and relate genuinely!

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