Thursday, March 30, 2017


Love: cannot be killed

Friday, Fourth week in Lent - 31st March, 2017
Wis 2: 1,12-22; Jn 7:1-2,10,25-30

True love annoys people today. Compromises and make ups are appreciated much; they are found to be practical and concretely viable. Speaking of the ideals or absolutes or of genuine relationships seems useless activity and impractical waste of time. After every talk that I have given to persons of various categories, speaking of true love, I have had the same feedback: "it is so wonderful to hear, but..." There is hardly  anyone who would take up that challenge and say, why not live up to it. Everyone is concerned about its probable futility and likely failure to bear any fruit. The easiest excuse they give is, we would be singled out, left alone to chase the wind, found unfit and declared losers.

The Word today presents the same scenario, with the Gospel in a special way placing Jesus into that category. Beyond the titles of strange and unfit, Jesus was considered a man to be eliminated. Jesus seemed to be speaking things that will not help the normal running of human life; he was considered a danger to the human minds of his times. Even today, the world at large would be in favour of that opinion. Jesus still seems an unfit in this world - that is why they are taking him off from their public lives, from governing principles, ethical considerations and social ideals. Because Jesus would differ from every prominent principle today: inhuman development, loveless autonomy, heartless economy, truthless politics and godless religion. 

If we stand by true love, if we take the side of Jesus, we need not be anxious - true love cannot be killed; even if the world manages to, it will rise again on the third day! True love cannot be killed, keep loving!

1 comment:

elsi said...

Give us the grace Lord to stand up for the truth in love. Let nothing stop us. Amen!