Monday, April 17, 2017

WORD 2day - Easter Monday 2017

The Colour of Easter is Green

17th April: Acts 2:14,22-33; Mt 28:8-15

Green is the colour of life! New life - that is what Easter stands for. We are Easter people; people of life, people of new life, people of eternal life. There is always a group of people in the world who are against life and anything that upholds life. The Gospel today also speaks of a people who are determined to stifle life by all means or any means, whereas there is the Holy Spirit in the first reading instilling new life into the apostles. 

Jesus' rising to life is a call to new life, a life that is lived in its fullness, in spite of the culture of death that is prevalent all around us. Violence and Conspiracy, Neglect and Indifference, Hatred and Enmity... these are spread in abundance by persons and groups. However good we may be, there is always a force against us to put us down or hate us or threaten us or discourage us. Would we give up being good? Would we give up being life-giving persons? We would not if we are a Easter People.

Let us colour our lives green! Let us be life giving people, whatever the circumstances be! Jesus lives, and we will live, let us love, live and let everyone live! Let us go green!

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