Monday, April 17, 2017

WORD 2day: Easter Tuesday 2017

The Shape of Easter is Heart

18th April: Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18

If someone asks me to represent Easter with a shape, I would draw a heart! Yes, Easter is a matter of the heart. Youngsters often ask me this curious doubt: why did Jesus choose to appear to Magdalene first. I would say, he had no other choice, because she was the first one to go in search of Jesus, the most passionate of all Jesus' disciples, one who loved Jesus with the whole of her heart. Her heart was filled with Jesus and she yearned for Jesus and Jesus appeared to her! What a privilege! It was granted because of the heart, because of her love. 

Jesus was seen by only those who loved Jesus! Magdalene, then the close disciples, then the was a matter of the heart. Precisely that is the reason people were cut to the heart when Peter spoke to them of Jesus. They were cut to the heart and so they understood Jesus and his call - they were baptised. 

Today, if we wish to meet Jesus, the Risen Jesus, then we need to prepare our heart. We need to be cut to the heart, to encounter Jesus truly. When we close our heart, we would never get to see the Risen One. Yes, the shape of Easter is heart. Open it wide and the Lord will abide!

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